Thursday 21 February 2013

Task 6: Storyboard

Task 9:Filming

Production schedule

Equipment Needed
Health And Safety Implications
Tracking shots
Establishing shot
Wooded areas
No Characters Needed
Cameraperson, Director
Camera, Tripod
Scenes: 1-3
Don’t Climb Trees
Tracking shots
Over-the-shoulder shots

Dan’s House
All Actors needed, Director, Cameraperson
Camera, Tripod
Drawing Books,
Scene: 6-12
Make sure all equipment is safe and secure so not to hurt or break anything.
Pan’s, SPOV, Over-the-shoulder shots, MLS, MS, CS, ECU, Low angles, Zoom’s, Two Shots
Freddy’s Forest
All Actors needed
Director, Cameraperson
2x Camera’s Tripod, Drawing Book, Handbag
Scenes: 13-24
Don’t Climb Trees, Don’t Film in the Rain
SPOV, MLS, Zoom’s
Freddy’s Forest
All Actors needed, Director, Cameraperson
2x Camera’s, Tripod, Drawing Book, Handbag
Scenes: 25-31
Don’t Climb Trees, Don’t Film in the Rain

Task 8: Casting


Actor: Connor Johnson
Character: Connor
Role: Protagonist
Prop: Camera
Costume: Casual clothes ( look like an average teenage boy)

Actor: Aidan Mitchell
Character: Aidan
Role: Major character
Prop: Drawing pad
Costume: Casual clothes, Glasses ( to show his intellectual side)

Actor: Owen Bibbey
Character: Slender man
Role: Antagonist
Prop: N/A
Costume: suit, slender mask, Business shoes  

Task 7: Role allocation

                                            Task 7

Director: Rhys Mitchell
Co-Directors: Lukas Szalbot, Dan Neuenhaus

Writer: Lukas Szalbot,
Co-writer: Dan Neuenhaus

Producer: Lukas Szalbot

Cameraperson: Rhys Mitchell

Editing: Dan Neuenhaus  

This is just the roles that we took but we all adapted to each other’s roles as we did not want one person to do one part.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Task 5: Script

Task 5-Script

Opening Voiceover.
Reports of a tall, faceless ‘figure’ have been raised within the area as numerous reports are coming in of missing children and teenagers. This figure is claimed to be a mythological creature, which goes by the name of the ‘Slender Man’. However no evidence has been recorded as electronic equipment are distorted within it’s presence. The myth claims that this creature is summoned by the drawing of a symbol and specialists warn all parents and guardians not to let children anywhere near the forests.

Scene 1: Home

(Listening to an audio of a news report about the Slenderman myth)
(connor takes the earphone out of his ear)

Connor: It’s all just stupid Aidan!
Aidan: No It isn’t.
Connor: There is no proof!
Aidan: There is your proof right there.
Connor: (Laughs) that wasn’t even real Aidan!
 I’m going to get a camera. We are going to prove that you are a baby.

(Connor walks off into another room and Aidan pulls his book from under the table)

(Aidan opens his drawing book and finds a clean page. On the page, he draws a circle)

Connor: (interrupts Aidan drawing) Come on. Come help with the camera.
(Aidan gets up and walks into the other room where Connor is standing)
Connor: Alright, You’re the Nerd you fix the camera. I’m off to the toilet.
 (Barges into Aidan and walks off)
Aidan: Hey... watch it.
(Aidan walks to the camera, tapping and wobbling it to see if it working properly)
 Aidan: Okay. It's good to go.
 (Both Characters walk out of the house leaving the keys in the door)

Scene 2 : Entrance to the Woods

(Both characters walk towards the forest.)
Aidan: Well that looks like a nice spot
(Connor pushes him)

Scene 3: Woods

Aidan: Oi. Check out over there.
 (Points towards the right)
Connor: What? Over there?

 (Turns the camera left)
 Aidan: No. Over there!
 Connor: I don't see anything!
 Aidan: Connor, check out over there... i swear i just heard something!
Connor: Baby.

 (Connor walks off in the direction that Aidan is pointing)

(Aidan opens his drawing pad and looks around. He then begins to draw the cross on the circle to make the slenderman symbol. Aidan then admires his drawing looking confused about everything. Connor grabs Aidans shoulder making him jump)
Connor: (Shouting) What are you doing! Your scared enough as it is! Why are you drawing that!?
 Aidan: (Quietly) I don't know. I just wanted to see what would happen i suppose.
 Connor: Your just an idiot Aidan.
 ( A Very loud sharp noise can be heard over the top of the characters. Deafening them)
 Aidan: Argh.. whats that noise.
 (Both characters scream and shout in agony and pain)
 Connor: I think it's stopped!
 Aidan: What the hell is that!

 (Both characters runs off dropping the camera along the way. A foot comes down in front of the camera and the camera gets destroyed)

Thursday 7 February 2013

Task 3: Target Audience

Horror Questionnaire Findings.

• Question One: In question one, we asked what elements of a horror film that people enjoy most. The general trend we found that people enjoyed the most were Jump Scares.
• Question Two: In question two, we found that more people preferred Subjective Point of view in horror genre films.
• Question Three: We found that more people enjoyed the Antagonist and Protagonist to have no relation to each other in a horror film.
• Question Four: The audience’s favorite type of Antagonist was extremely clever.
• Question Five: We found that people’s favorite type of Protagonist in a horror genre, was a School/College Student but was closely followed by an average working person.
• Question Six: In question six, we found that people like horror films too be set in rural areas but people also liked horror films to be set in woods which closely followed Rural areas.
• Question Seven: We found that people enjoyed the protagonist to be male as there is more of a fear factor with male antagonist.
• Question Eight: The general trend from the questionnaire we found in question eight was that the Antagonist should use weapons such as bladed weapons and guns.
• Question Nine: We find that people think that diegetic sound plays a massive part in horror films.
• Question Ten: We asked what type of horror film opening people enjoyed the most and we found that people enjoyed flashbacks to the past the most.

 Rom-Com Questionnaire Findings.

• Question One: In question one we found that people would enjoy the film more if the relationship between the main characters was that of a straight relationship.
• Question Two: We found that the lead character(s)in a rom-com should be a female.
• Question Three: The questionnaire revealed that Audiences prefer the two main characters too be completely different characters.
• Question Four: The type of ending that the questionnaire revealed that people enjoyed the most was a happy ending.
• Question Five: We found that audiences would prefer the two main characters to meet at the beginning of the film.
• Question Six: We found that people enjoyed the mains character to have someone who can provide guidance and moral support.
• Question Seven: Following on from question six, we found that the person the main character can talk too should be a close friend.
• Question Eight: We found that people would enjoy a Rom-Com more if the two main characters have a fight
• Question Nine: Following question eight, we found that people would enjoy the fight between the two main characters to be difficult to resolve.
• Question Ten: From the questionnaire, we found that people enjoy the couple to get together at the end of the film.

 Thriller Questionnaire Findings. 

• Question One: We found that in question one, people enjoy Fantasy-Thrillers e.g. Harry Potter the most.
• Question Two: We found that the type of storyline in a thriller that people found to be more enjoyable was a film having lot’s of twists.
• Question Three: We found that people class the most important part of a thriller film too have a good story line.
• Question Four: In question four we found that the audience believes that a thriller film, which is action, packed is more enjoyable.
• Question Five: We found that people think that thriller films should be set in modern times.
• Question Six: We found that people enjoy the Protagonist should be a person with lots of curiosity and it never stops him doing what he wants.
• Question Seven: We found people’s favorite thriller film director is Christopher Nolan.
• Question Eight: In question eight, we asked what peoples favorite thriller films were and we found that people enjoyed ‘Se7en’ and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ the most.
• Question Nine: We found that people believe that the ideal place for a thriller too be located in a city. • Question Ten: We found that people believe that the story line at the start of a thriller film should be a flash back.

Summarizing the questionnaire

Horror- In this questionnaire people most liked jump scenes so the audience likes when something makes you jump. As a camera shot audience like subjective point of view because it makes it more real and horrors are normally less real than other genres, and you cannot see the antagonist/protagonist to keep audience in suspense. Also, we found that the protagonist and the antagonist do not have any relation makes it more interesting as they do not know each other and they will find things about each other. The antagonist should extremely clever as his power as it makes it more human t have this kind of power and it does not make the antagonist so much more powerful than the protagonist. The protagonist should be school/college student because the protagonist seems weak and as the people who were doing are questionnaire were teenagers they will want to see someone who is in their age rather than someone who is much older.

Romantic comedy has to have a predictable plot/story line. E.G.Two people, who are not supposed to be together, they fall in love, they normally hate each other or are far from each other.
 Simple characters with Simple conflicts/fights so very easy resolution. there is normally a time where a character messes up but they come  back to each other in the end. Must have a happy ending! you do not generally see an unhappy ending which would change the whole course of romantic comedies, all fairy tales have happy endings.
Usually characters who have completely different views/lifestyles (one is usually very privileged where as the other is usually very sympathetic or seen as the underdog figure from a ‘basic’ background. Initial meeting usually occurs within the first 10-20 minutes of the film and is used as a way of introducing the main characters. Main characters have a friend, which usually provides guidance and moral support and can even protect the main character in some cases. The friend is usually a work colleague, a sibling/relative or a close friend (someone who they have known for some time).

Thriller movie has to:  Create tension and excitement for the audience.  Normally it takes place in a more exotic place such as foreign countries/cities.
Protagonists usually seen as ‘hard men’ who look for danger but could be ordinary people who find themselves within danger. Protagonist usually finds enemies plans and finds a way too defeat them, often saving there own lives and other lives in the process, generally the hero does not die.
 Antagonists usually appear cleverer (Lex Luthor/ John Doe from 'Seven')/stronger than the Protagonist. the protagonist needs to fell less powerful than the antagonist so that the protagonist has to find him self and once he over comes him self he will defeat the antagonist.


Wednesday 6 February 2013

Task 4: The Pitch

Task 4: The Pitch

Start thinking about your ideas for the opening sequence of your film plot in the form of a pitch.


Navy seal shot dead by Syrian terrorists but his company refuses to forgive + forget.

Romantic Comedy

Strict family discuss arranged marriage for their daughter and find perfect man online. They start talking to each other and they start to like each other. They fall in love. Then when they go to get marriage they find out that the man is actually a women but the daughter does not care as she knows that she will be nicer than her husband so she marries her and they live happily ever after.


A teenage boy is diagnosed with schizophrenia counts to 10 when he is anxious but he can never go further than 3 because of the voices in his head keep talking to him and as he goes further in his count the voices get stronger/dominant each time and because of the voices he goes psycho and starts harming himself and others around him. It is because three years before this he witnessed a murder and that murder happened 03:33 (time).


Our film idea is based on the urban myth of slender man which is a myth about a tall dark man in a business suit who has no face that kills children under the age of 16. He is known to be found in highly wooded areas and usually appears at night. He has no known weaknesses and cannot be stopped. He distorts electronic equipment when he is close to it and causes his victims to descend into madness before killing them. The myth originated from German folk lore as children would disappear after informing there parents of a tall figure following them about near the woods. The legend has spread and sightings and tape recordings of people seeing him raises all the more suspicion to his existence making the fact he could be real even scarier. People who have become the slender man’s victims have been said to have gruesome nightmares and become dizzy and develop insomnia from the sheer fear of being attacked by him. One way to summon the slender man is to draw a circle with a cross through it which provokes him to hunt you down and kill you.
( Sourced from:

actual story line of our opening sequence

Opening of the film starts with the convention titles, which show the production company, director, main stars and then we will include the title of the film; Divergence, and the definition of what Divergence is. The story opens with a master shot of a suburban house in which four 15/16-year-old students listening to a video/audio clip of a paranormal experience involving the urban legend, slender man that occurred in the woods near the house. The film is set around Halloween time and the students are planning on going into the woods trying to find out if the myth is true or false. As the one student is listening to the tape another is drawing a symbol on a piece of paper. This symbol in the myth is said to summon the slender man. As the student is about to put a cross through the symbol another student knocks the pencil out his hand and tells him to hurry up and help them set up the video camera. There is a cut to a SPOV of the camera as they are trying to set it up and one of the student’s presses record. Through the SPOV of the camera, there is a brief distortion of the video/audio and a quick glance at tentacles/hands in the window. From this, there is a cut to black as the camera is switched off.

                  There is a jump to a scene of the students walking into the wooded area. One (the more curious character) has a drawing book in his hand, filled with all slender man mythology pictures/drawing/writing. Another character (Protagonist) is carrying the video camera but he does not believe in the myth at all, is making jokes and making light of the situation. The other two characters are shown as very superstitious and wary of the situation and not sure whether to believe or not. The protagonist builds tension as he constantly makes jokes and tries to show that the situation is completely stupid and unbelievable.

                  While in the woods the students are recording the area looking around to find clues to see if the myth is true. At the same time, the Curious character with the drawing book has opening his drawing book in the middle of an opening in the woods and is flicking through the pages showing all the drawing and images linked with slender man myth. He gets to the drawing of the symbol and there are drums (non diegetic), which will create tension. As well as this, there will be jump cuts between this character, the other students and the camera point of view as It pans around the wooded area. There will be a mixture of low angle shots and over the shoulder shots as the curious character starts to draw a cross over the symbol. Another non diegetic sound of a heart beat gradually getting faster develops as the two lines of the cross complete and once they are both finished, the non diegetic sound ceases suddenly.

                  There is an over the shoulder shot of the finished symbol and a jump shot to the curious characters face, which shows his curiosity and anticipation. A hand is put onto this characters shoulder and there is a loud high pitch sound. One of the superstitious characters has grabs the curious character on the shoulder and shout at him. Tension between the characters builds which is shown by fast cuts between extreme close ups of there face and their body language. There is a medium shot integrated and some of the characters turn towards the protagonist who is exploring the trees and is now screaming. In the background you can faintly see a really tall man in a suit (very blurry – DOF). Then there is a cut to the Camera point of view as it shows a glimpse of the slender man and the camera is dropped to the floor. There is a forward track of the camera on the floor. (Motion track video into camera screen – showing distortion of the camera) Cut to the camera POV on the floor, which shows the characters running off, turning back occasionally to look and screaming/shouting. A really long arm/hand drops in front of the camera and a foot comes down. The film ends with the camera getting distorted and cutting out.


Name: Connor
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Appearane/Costume: Casual Clothing (Tracksuit bottoms/Jeans, Jacket and trainers)
Characteristics: Brave, doesn't believe in mythology, tries to be funny, a leader

Major Characters:
Name: Aidan
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Appearance/Costume: 'Nerdy Clothes,' Glasses, drawing pad and pencils.
Characteristics: Smart, Wants answers, Fearless, always thinking of reasonable explanations for everything.

Name: Slender Man
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Occupation: Unknown
Appearance/Costume: Very Tall, Very Slim, Very Long Arms, Wears business suit, No Face
Characteristics: Scary, Bloodthirsty, Stalker