Wednesday 24 April 2013

Task 2: analysing the movie 'No country for old men'

This movie is called no country for old men which won four Oscars, directed by Ethan and Joel Coen. starring Tommy lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin and Woody Harrelson. The movie takes place in rural part of Texas, deserted from the loud noises of the urban land.

The scene starts with a male character talking (voiceover) over cinematic images of deserted land with no  life, the male character sounds like he is around 60 years old and has a country accent which links in with the location of the movie a it is american rural town, he says he was a county sheriff from when he was 25 years he then says 'hard too believe' like he may be a sheriff for a long time so he would be quiet old if he was a sheriff for a long there is no music over the voiceover.
He talks about a man who killed a 14 year old girl and he also says that man would 'if they would turn him down he do it again' she sounds like that man is a bit crazy which may signify that there maybe some one like that, a crazy person who will not care about killing someone.

There is a sun rise which is showing how a new day is coming and something new may happen to a calm and peaceful town, it maybe something good or bad.
A sunrise is signifying something new but as you do not actually see the sun just the sunrise the new thing may not be a good thing as connotations of light are good, warm and peaceful so if you are not seeing the whole sun it's like something is covering the good in this town.
the last quote from the voiceover is 'OK, I'll be apart of this world' as he is talking about all this negative things he maybe saying that because of the whole negative things that happen in this world he will be apart of this world therefore he will no matter what happens he will try to protect the world from all this negative things which are causing the world to be a bad place.

The picture on he left  is showing a police officer and a criminal sitting in the back sit, you can clearly see the officer as the light is showing him his face glasses and his police badge while the man sitting in the back seat is not shown as that part is darkened. this may imply as he is in the back seat he has done something bad and also because of the lighting which makes it that you cannot see the criminal therefore there is something bad about him from the lighting. The officer in the police station is quiet young around mid twenties therefore he will not have that kind of experience with dealing with very powerful and smart criminals which means that the criminal is more powerful than him and as that scene progresses you see the criminal in the background jumping over his feet to have his hands in front of him rather than  behind him and then he smothers him to death after he finishes talking to the county sheriff. this shows that as he is young he will not be able to stop someone like that.

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