Wednesday 14 November 2012

Task 2: research into existing products-Se7en

This is an analysis of the film 'Se7en'.
William Somerset Picture
Character - Detective  Lt. William Somerset in his flat. he is black, quit old man played by Morgan Freeman
The animal figurines show us that the man travels a lot as normally can buy them when you are on a holiday in another country so the man is well traveled.
He is drinking coffee and in America it is a stereotype that American people drink coffee in the morning so detective William is getting ready for work. The character is played by Morgan Freeman.

Also, co-star Brad pit as detective David Mills and Gwyneth Paltrow as Tracy Mills which are happily married young couple. They moved into the town couple weeks ago and they bought a house very quickly even though the estate agent did not tell them that every couple minutes you can hear the train going by. This is a thriller-horror film for its disturbing scenes.

The noise of other people taking and you can hear them which means he lives in a flat or an apartment, there are sounds of cars driving which shows us that he lives in a urban area.
He has a nice laid out house, white walls without any family pictures or decorative things to make the house look good and normally the women would decorate the house nicely and it is not so that shows us that he is single and that is why he has a single bed as he is alone without anyone to a company him at home. He is a detective and as he is alone that can mean that as a detective his job becomes his wife so he is alone probably from choice.
The chess piece  is signifying that he plays chess so he is going to be in intelligent as intelligent people normally play chess. That playing chess links with strategy as you will learn how to be more strategic as it is a strategic game to play and he needs to be strategic because he is a detective and he will need to be strategic to find serial killers as it is not easy to find a serial killer and he will need to use strategy to find the serial killer.
He some props when he is getting ready to work he has a pen, knife and a napkin which are laid out in a line and he picks them up the same way he put them there it could show that he may have OCD or he is Meticulous so he likes doing everything in a certain way.

A lot of noise when he is trying to sleep like the cars driving and people talking but it is all quiet then then when he goes to sleep there is a loud 'boom' sound and then the title sequence starts, some say that there is a calm before the storm and that is what happens as it is quiet and then after the title sequence ends things will happen that will change the point of view of detective William.

Title sequence
The title sequence tells the story of the antagonist. The titles are shaky and jumpy which could show what is happening in the serial killer's mind as he is not stable   so he will probably kill couple people. 

Extreme close up of the man having his skin in his fingers cut off so that he would not have a fingerprint on the crime scene and that will make the detectives harder job to find him
some of the Pictures of victims are quite graphic and – he may be a Pedophile. He scratches the eyes of children.

The incidental music is creepy and it is like someone is scratching a door or something like that with their nails to make it more thriller like so the music fits with the genre of the movie.
He cuts the God word part out of the money note because he probably thinks that Money should not be associated with God as money is the root of all evil and and God is good so he does not want people to associate money with God and religion.
The red light signifies that in the old days when they were making pictures they made them in the red light so the antagonist can make his own pictures.

He is censoring sexual words like 'Intercourse' so that people, mostly small children, will not read about sexual intercourse because the antagonist thinks that children should not know learn about sexual intercourse as they are just kids and he is protecting them from that. He is censoring out the eyes of a child which that  could be him so he does it because he does not like what he has become and he does not want the child which is him when he was younger to judge him of what he has become as children are innocent but he is not innocent. But then he draws all over the baby to get rid of the whole picture,this seems like he is angry at him self as you do not draw all over something if you are not angry.

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